Friday, October 12, 2007

Killer Shoes?

I don't know that I could describe Christian Louboutin shoes as "bondage". It doesn't surprise me much that shoes like these are entering the market. After all, look around at some of the things that people are wearing now and in years past. Think back to the black dog-spiked necklaces or the black cuffed bracelets. All you have to do is walk into a Hot-Topic store next time you are at the mall and get a glimpse of some real "dark" fashion.

These shoes are nothing new.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

AXE & Dove Commercials

I found it absurd, and somewhat ridiculous, that Dove would put together this whole campaign about talking to your daughters, then the same company putting together commercials such as the ones presented in class by AXE.

How is it they can get away with it? It is perhaps because there really hasn't been a lot of media coverage on the issue that people aren't aware of it. Companies like this probably know that people aren't informed and know they can get away with it.

Even though, they are not doing anything illegal. Is it considered misleading advertising? Their messages aren't conflicting if they are seen as two separate ads. But it is a question of morality, and the only way to put an end to companies creating campaigns like this would be for people to be more informed and decide if they want to continue purchasing their products.